Due to the slightly unusual circumstances of my first few weeks of dating Matt (which at the time I wasn't even sure if we were dating...), he didn't meet the majority of my family. We only knew each other for a few weeks before he went back to England. We met in Vancouver and more than half of my family lives in Calgary.
When I took Matt to meet my mom (after him and I had only hung out about a handful of times), I warned him that no matter what I said to him it would not adequately prepare him for what may or may not happen over the course of the next few hours. It was my birthday and I wanted to see my mom and since Matt was spending the day with me, he was coming to meet her too. My warning proved all too accurate when she told us that she had been practicing her ventriloquist skills and would we like to see her dummies?? It should be explained that when my mom finished her PhD she decided to go in a slightly different direction for a break and took up ventriloquism. Its always been weird and creepy. My mom and I visited (pre-dummies) while Matt watched tv. When we left, I asked him what he thought and he responded 'well, at least she's madder than you!' Really that was the best that I could have hoped for.
Matt also met my younger sister during those first few weeks. We lived together at the time but his assessment of her was that he had only seen her briefly and she was usually getting ready to go out. She came to stay with us for a few days in March of this year. They got a little bit more time to get to know each other although I had to translate most of what he was saying. He keeps claiming that he doesn't have an accent!
As our trip to Canada got closer, I embarked on a project of preparing Matt to meet the rest of my family. First we were going to Vancouver and he would be staying with my mom and her husband Jeff. We would be hanging out with My Vancouver family including my aunt, my uncle, cousins and grandma. My Vancouver family can get a bit silly and has been known to tell dirty jokes. I also repeatedly told Matt that my dad was the glue of the family. Each of his 4 kids talk to him minimum once a day through e-mail, skype or text. I was slightly nervous for him since he had to meet SO many people all at once. While Matt, ever the calm and collected one didn't seem phased by it at all.
I also told him what comments might be offensive, that he couldn't be rude and that most importantly he should be himself.
First up was my Vancouver family. My mom and uncle kept asking Matt to repeat and say things because they liked how it sounded with his accent. Then they were repeating it in their version of his accent. Although Matt re-assures me that the evening was fine and not embarrassing, I wasn't so sure. I'm used to my family and all of our eccentricities. I'm not ashamed or embarrassed of anyone but I just wasn't sure how we would appear to Matt who comes from the most normal family that I've ever met.
My mom really liked/likes Matt. She told me how nice he seems and that its obvious to her how much he cares about me. She always asks about him when we chat.
I loved being in Vancouver with Matt. Going to my favourite restaurants, having breakfast with my mom, visiting the beach and being with my friends. And driving!! It was so nice to be able to drive and know where I was going. Since living in England, our lives have basically revolved around Matt's life, his friends and his family. I don't say this with any resentment but matter-of-factly. I moved here not knowing many people and I've had 8 months to build a live here while Matt has had 28 (almost 29) years of having a life here. Being together in Canada meant that we got to do basically everything that I wanted to do. Clearly the way that it should be!
In Calgary, Matt was about to be bombarded with Goldsteins, McAllisters and Hansons. First up was my dad and his now wife Shelley. We had driven from Nelson to Calgary and had stopped for dinner in Banff. I was so excited to see my dad and to be back in my old house. There have been a few renovations and a few new tenants but it will always be my home because I grew up and spent 22 years of my life there. We spent some time chatting and visiting. My dad had no trouble with his accent.
We were up early the next day. Keep in mind at that time, England was still in the World Cup and with the time difference kick off was at 8:00 am. That afternoon, some of Shelley's kids and their boyfriends/girlfriends arrived and we had a small family dinner. Small being a relative term since there were 9 of us there and many siblings were missing. We finished dinner and moved over to Christine's house - my best friend, former room mate and non-sexual life partner.
Christine has been my best friend since we were 18. She's the kind of friend where it doesn't matter how much time has passed we can pick up and be right where we left off. I got to see here new house and she got to meet my Matt. I'm so proud of her for being so grown-up and buying her own house with her friend Kelsey. Although we only had two short days to spend time together, I loved every minute! I also spent time with her and her boyfriend. Christine and I haven't both had boyfriends at the same time since we were 18. While I don't need really need anyone's stamp of approval for my relationships, it was still nice to get some positive feedback from a person who knows me so well.
After leaving Christine's house, we went back to my dad's house to meet my older sister and my youngest niece, Baby Violet. The plan was to pick up lunch and meet up with my nephew Kade for his end of school picnic. We brought him a meatball sub. Before we left the house, Matt got some insight into how much work babies are when we had to put the car seat and the stroller in the car!
Kade's picnic was hilarious. He's such a popular 7 year old and needed to say hello and visit every other kids picnics. He ran around and played football - it is a spanish school after all. Next stop was the zoo. We took the train to avoid traffic and parking issues. Taking two small children to the zoo is quite a workout! Pushing the stroller and pulling Kade in a wagon. Kade is too smart for his auntie and felt the need to correct me when I pointed out a turtle (he let me know it was actually a tortoise). Matt was a pretty good sport about being a two child family for the afternoon. He's still a little bit unsure of how to hold a squirming baby.
That night was the start of the wedding weekend festivities. Matt was about to meet everyone else: my older sister's husband and my other niece and nephew, my brother and his wife and their son and Shelley's sister and husband. I warned Matt that when my family gets together there is usually enough food for everyone to eat thirds and there will still be leftovers. I told him to wear his eating clothes. Kade was the star of the BBQ giving tours of the barn and the garden. I seriously love that kid.
On Saturday, I spent the morning with my sister Carie and we went to a fundraiser workout class. it was my first experience at Zumba. It was sweaty but really fun. Matt ended up playing golf with my brother. I wasn't sure how they would get along but they ended up having a really good day together.
That night was dinner for all of the out of town guests. Read: more family for Matt to meet. All of the siblings were in attendance. There are four kids in my family and Shelley has four kids. that's not including spouses or girlfriends and boyfriends. The dinner that night was lovely. Great food, seeing my relatives and just hanging out with everyone.
Sunday was the wedding. Before everything got underway, I was feeling a little bit strange. maybe a little overwhelmed. I was looking forward to the wedding because I really do like Shelley and loved the idea of the wedding taking place in the backyard. My dad had asked me a few days prior if I would walk him down the aisle with my younger sister Kylie. I burst out crying when he asked me. I was honoured and of course said yes.
The weather was perfect for the day. We had a series of family photos with the professional photographer and I knew that this was not going to be fun for Matt. He was allowed in one of the pictures though when we did a big group shot. Hopefully I won't have to scratch his face out of the picture at a later date...(Kidding - only kidding!)
In addition to meeting all my family, Matt now got to meet friends of the family. Everyone wanted to know what he did and what our life was like together in England. A few people even told me how handsome they thought he was. Always nice to hear. When we were leaving to head back to my sister's house later in the day, one of my dad's friend told Matt that 'he better take care of their girl'. Again, really nice to hear.
I was not looking forward to the airport goodbye with my dad. I had already had the emotional airport good bye with my dad 8 months earlier when I moved. I thought that I was holding it together until we actually hugged at the gate and he started telling me that he though Matt was a good guy and we seemed very happy together. My dad has never liked anyone that I have dated so this was a huge deal having him tell me that he liked Matt. At this point I was on the verge of sobbing and it really was time to go through the gate. At least Matt was there to hold my hand.
He survived meeting my loud, funny, obsessed with food and all around amazing family. I moved to another country to live with a man who my family had either never or barely met. I hope now, after meeting him, they can see why I made that choice.