This blog would have commenced weeks ago if I had not hit the major road block of an appropriate blog name/address. The title of Goldstein on Goldsworth refers to my new street name - I like anything that has gold in the name.
The main reason behind this online typing endeavour is that I spend a good portion of my day at home in my new flat, job searching, and having limited contact with the outside world. I do head outside during the day but mainly to run errands that I largely invent. I thought that this might be a way for:
a. me to share some of my thoughts and experiences of being an ex-pat living in England and,
b. for the people who are marginally interested in my life to read all about it!
While I struggled with whether or not blogging was too self-involved, I inevitably decided that I could put my words out there and if people were interested then they were welcome to read it.
I've been living in England for 5 weeks (exactly today!) and I'm not sure what I really have to show for the last month and a bit...Moving during December/Christmas madness was perhaps not the best decision but my impatience won out when I was booking my ticket. I am sincerely hoping that in the new year the world will regain sanity and my job hunt will gain serious momentum. I'll save the soul-crushing details of the job hunt for another post.
Stay tuned to see how I'm getting on and what ridiculous adventures a Canadian girl can get up to living in England!
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