So my blog has been a little bit neglected the past 10 days BUT with good reason.
I feel like the grocery store is my home away from home. I’ve become much more interested in cooking since I arrived here and have pleasantly discovered that I’m actually a pretty decent cook. The only problem is that when I go to make a recipe not only do I not have the ingredients, I won’t have the utensils or dishes to make the recipe! After two months my kitchen is starting to be fully stocked with pots, pans, sauces and spices.
I have a love-hate relationship with grocery shopping. Before I moved to England, grocery shopping had never reduced me to tears. Since I have moved, crying while shopping has become an all too frequent occurrence.
The first grocery meltdown happened over molasses; a seemingly innocuous item. I wanted to make gingerbread cookies to take over to Matt’s parents house since they were having us over for dinner. I made us drive to the bigger grocery store that is ten minutes away rather than walk across the street to the grocery store that is closer. Matt failed to see the logic in my plan. I was also not aware that on Sundays all the stores close at 4:00 p.m.!!! I can’t shop under pressure. I quickly learned that molasses in a liquid form does not exist here. I asked numerous people who worked at the store and was met with the same blank stare each time that could only partially be attributed to my accent. The best that they could offer was molasses sugar. I bought it not knowing if it would work. We made it to the car and I realized that in the molasses hunt, I had completely forgotten about butter and the whole cookie-making project was aborted.
I miserably stared out the window for the car ride home chiding myself for being so ridiculous and being on the verge of tears over molasses! I soon realized that my being upset wasn’t entirely about the molasses. It was part of a bigger issue of not being able to find things that I needed when I needed them. It was the fact that everything was different here. It made me suddenly and acutely aware that I wasn’t at home. My first major pang of homesickness occurred over molasses.
The next grocery obstacle: egg whites. Egg whites are a staple in my fridge and have been for the past 5 years. I like them for breakfast, for baking and purely for convenience. These, like many other items, are not popular in England. They only sell them at one store that is a 15-minute drive from here. They don’t have a very large supply so I can’t stock up on the few occasions I can convince Matt to drive me there. I’ve never ordered egg whites off the Internet before but stay tuned to see how that pans out.
Then there was the Whole Foods incident. I am a health food lover. I love going to organic stores and markets. I could spend an afternoon quite happily in a health food store. I was very spoiled living in Vancouver with its high population of vegetarians, vegans and organic food lovers. Whole Foods in Vancouver on Cambie street is practically heaven. I found out that London does have Whole Foods that are accessible by train. I convinced Matt that we needed to drive there because I would probably be buying so much stuff that I wouldn’t be able to carry it home on the train. So we set off on another grocery adventure to the tiny, unremarkable whole foods. Disappointment is an understatement. I only bought some cereal because I felt that we had come all this way so I had to buy something.
While Matt already questions my sanity, my repeated meltdowns while food shopping are not helping my cause. It’s difficult to explain why I find it so upsetting when I want to buy things or make recipes and I can’t find the ingredients. Or I want to eat healthily and I can’t find what I need. It’s improving because of the sheer amount of time that I spend in the store across the road. I’m finally starting to learn the layout of the store and the different names that are used for food items.
Hopefully I’ll find work soon and grocery shopping will no longer be the high and low point of my day.
I have been living In England for about 6 weeks now. I have been unemployed for that period of time, which is a term that I hate. At least in the past when I didn’t have a job I could still say that I was a student. I am very fortunate to be living with a boyfriend who is supporting me financially for the most part. This is not an arrangement that is going to be permanent. I’m already uncomfortable not being able to pay my own way. I have these idealistic, egalitarian relationship ideas where you should at least strive for a 50/50 partnership. It’s very hard for me to be so reliant on another person. I’ve had a car since I was 17 up until I moved here and I’m used to being able to get behind the wheel and accomplish my errands. I live walking distance from most major stores but for bigger trips (like IKEA or big grocery shops) I have to ask for a ride.
At no point have I been told that I need to ‘earn my keep’ but since I am home almost the entire day job-hunting, it has fallen on me to take care of most of the domestic chores around the house. It’s a strange feeling - but a self imposed one that I should be taking of household tasks. Even when I do start working (tomorrow is my first temp job), I get the sense that cooking and grocery shopping are still going to be my responsibilities. Granted I am a picky eater who doesn’t really eat meat and asking a non-vegetarian to cook vegetarian meals is not going to happen (not in my experience anyway).
The feminist in me wants to argue that there is nothing inherently ‘feminine’ about household tasks and the term ‘woman’s work’ makes me cringe. When I lived on my own I did all of the same chores; cooking, shopping and cleaning up after myself. I’ve had room mates so it was slightly easier to divide up the cleaning. Now I live with someone who is away from the house 12-14 hours a day and it’s difficult to argue with ‘ You’re home all day so technically it’s your mess to clean up’. Perhaps a division of labor conversation will have to be re-visited once I’m working more.
I also find that other couples like to discuss the division of labor issue when we’re out. They are often curious to know who does what. I think part of the reason for curiosity on the part of Matt’s friends, is that he went from living at home with a very maternal mum and I’ve lived on my own and with room mates and even before that my mom never did my laundry.
We’re learning together since neither of us has ever lived with a boyfriend/girlfriend before. We’ll just have to see how it works out…
Today is January 4th and for most people that means returning to work after the holidays. Since I don’t have a job, today is the first day back to job hunting. Step 1 – Change up my resume. I only recently had it pointed out to me that perhaps the format of my resume was the issue. After a quick google search I found that in fact my resume does need to be improved and made more concise. How motivated am I do completely overhaul my resume? Instead of working it on it, I’m writing on my blog so pretty motivated.
I’m finding it difficult to stay positive while job hunting. I know that I am qualified to work all sorts of jobs I just need to get an interview. I’m trying to keep in mind that job hunting would not necessarily be any easier if I had stayed in Canada as opposed to moving over to the U.K. When I made the decision to move, I was aware that I was taking a chance of possibly not moving forward in my career field (criminology) and would have to settle for a job that pays.
There’s a chance that I have been extremely lucky in the job department in the past and jobs have sort of presented themselves when required. I’m really hoping that since it is the New Year I will somehow be able to re-kindle that luck and things will start to fall into place.
Goals for today:
1. Change my resume/CV into a U.K. friendly format
2. Apply for jobs in my field and easy, local jobs
- C Seems manageable…