I also have meltdowns. I will go along telling everyone that everything is fine while in my head I start worrying about buying a ticket back to Canada if I can't get a job and afford to live here.
On Tuesday night, one said meltdown occurred. There was no specific catalyst but rather an accumulation of slightly irrational fears and worries. The only positive benefit of my meltdowns is that they usually lead to break throughs. And if they don't my dad is always more than happy to kick my butt over the phone/skype.
I have taken some small steps this week in the attempt to kick my own butt back into gear and hopefully get things rolling on my England life.
1. I joined the gym. Perhaps not the most logical or economical choice for an unemployed person but it helps keeps me sane and gives me something to do during the day while I apply for jobs. Even though the body analysis this morning was thoroughly depressing, at least its a place to start
2. I called and applied to join a recruitment firm in London that specializes in criminal justice jobs. I am also going to register at two more temp agencies
3. I joined a book club at the library - I'm very curious to see who else will be in the group
4. I'm trying (stress trying) to take it one day at a time and accept that moving to a new place, a new country was never going to be a piece of cake. I'm also trying not to wallow because self-pity is not a good look.
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