When I was leaving work (debt collections agency) on Friday, one of my manager's wished me good luck but also said he hoped I didn't get the job because he wants me to stay and what if he offered me a permanent position. He said to think of the company as my family and I was always welcome.
Earlier in the week I had been offered a permanent position by the other manager when I told him about the first interview.
A very nice sentiment that makes me feel slightly guilty for hating the company so much. The people that I work with are, for the most part, very nice. How do I tell them that I find their company and debt collections in general morally reprehensible? I've been avoiding any direct responses to them. I've also been trying to leverage my position to get paid more for the last weeks that I'll be there. Its nice to have a job but reading angry letters all day is not for me.
Matt left for France on Saturday morning to go skiing for the week. Yes, I was invited and not abandoned. I made the decision not to sign on for the trip last summer because I did not know what my job situation would be, my money situation or most importantly because I don't ski! Turns out that because Matt and I met in Whistler (and by virtue of being Canadian), everyone just assumes that I'm a skier or snowboard. I'm trying not to be a wimp even though I really miss Matt and its been 4 days.
I'm obviously fine on my own but its very strange being on my own in the flat. I tried to organize some social events for last weekend and this weekend but as I've begun to learn when you only have weekends to hang out they tend to book up quickly. I did have a small movie marathon on Saturday. I don't know why I always choose to watch the most emotion provoking movies when I'm by myself. FYI - Rachel Getting Married - bring the kleenex.
I've also been having many lovely skype/phone chats with some of my favourite people at home! Getting to see people over skype makes such a big difference (Holla Mandy, Christine and Teresa!) I also managed to briefly connect with my very busy friend Alexxa who fit in our chat as she made her way to downtown Vancouver yesterday.
Every day that I'm at the debt collections place I feel a little bit nauseous. I'm not sure if its the poor ventilation, staring at the computer for 8 hours or the general office environment but I think I'm allergic to that building. I'm not used to life on a hamster wheel where no matter how many hours I work, the work will never get done. I have to leave each day knowing that it will be waiting for me when I get back. I am more task completion oriented - maybe its from being a student and having assignments and deadlines.
I really hope it goes well tomorrow and that I can give my notice and be done with debt collections.
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