As anyone who works for or with local government knows, they move at a snail's pace. As a result, although I have received and returned my new employee package for Surrey County Council, I still do not have a start date or training dates. I'm back to temping until it gets sorted out. I did phone them but didn't really get anymore information then I already had.
This week I've been temping for Reach a marketing company in my town. Its very convenient to be able to walk to work and its only a few doors down from my gym. Its a pretty cool place and some of their clients are nintendo, nestle and some apple i-phone stuff. My job has been less glamorous. I along with 3 other temps have been completing data cleansing. Nestle did a huge audit and went all around the U.K. to find out what kind of coffee machines are in supermarkets, schools and offices etc. All the people who did the audit uploaded the info online. Our job is then to go through every entry (there are about 1500) and make sure that there are no blanks in the entry and that all the answers make sense. If there is a problem, then I have to call the person who did the audit and get them to tell me the answer they had recorded on their original questionnaire.
It's been boring but the office is fun and I sit next to another temp named Sean so at least I have someone to chat with during the day. We're also faster at going through the data then the other two temps so we call ourselves Team 1/the winning team. We can get through about 50-60 entries per day. That project is finished so I might still be working there this week coming up but I might not. Either way, to me, this is what temp work should be like. No responsibility, come in and do your work and go home. The last temp job was way too much responsibly from the get-go.
The weather has also been amazing all week. Everything just seems to be better when the sun is shining. I even discovered cherry blossom trees on my way to work which reminded me of Vancouver and make me smile.
Matt still works out of town all week leaving me to my own devices. We've been trying to make the most of the time that we have together on the weekends. Although spending 4-5 hours at the golf course tends to eat into our 'couple' time. I know how I feel when I don't go down to the gym for a few days so I do understand (to an extent) his intense passion for golf.
I'm getting very excited for our upcoming trip to Canada. We arrive on June 12th and of course I've already got almost the whole thing planned out. I'm a planner. I also want to make the most of our time there. We've also been invited to a wedding in Australia in January so we're really trying to see how we can make that work.
I'm hoping that in the very near future I'll know more about when I start this job!
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