I am normally a very calm and collected individual. I like to think that I am slow to anger and usually feel that most things aren’t really worth getting angry about in the first place. I am also usually the defender of stranger who act inappropriately and try to simply ignore them and move on with my day. All people have a breaking point and there is only so much a person can take.
Of all the traits that annoy me the most, inconsiderate and disrespectful people are at the top of the list. My neighbors fit the bill for the most inconsiderate and disrespectful people that I have ever had the misfortune of meeting.
When we first moved into this flat, the paper-thin walls became apparent as we heard the loud and incessant wailing of the baby living upstairs. I have been around crying babies and this was something else. I wondered if the baby was hurt or sick or being neglected. I even reported my suspicions to the community police officer team. I later found out that you need to report something 3 times to social services before they will come out. I haven’t decided if I want to keep reporting them.
In addition to the crying baby, there are the loud, all night parties that happen almost every Friday. You have to give some allowance to people having parties on the weekends but when they are shouting and blaring their music until 4 in the morning is just not okay. I called the police during one of these parties but was told that because we live in a private (gated) apartment complex, they were not allowed to enter the premises unless they believed someone was being hurt. My inability to lie was my downfall here, as I couldn’t in good conscience lie to the police.
The next morning after zero sleep, Matt and I decided to go up there and confront the noisy neighbors about their ridiculous parties. I decided that in the interest of diplomacy, I should do most of the talking. Matt is more of the speak first and think later type of person.
I knocked on the door (feeling very nervous) and the woman who lives upstairs answered the door. I asked her about the party they had the night before and the loud music they were playing .She denied all knowledge of a party and claimed she was home by 12:30 which we knew was a lie because we heard them come in later. She then said we don’t play loud music because we have a baby. At this point, Matt couldn’t hold back anymore and said “We know you have a baby, we hear it screaming all the time”.
This encounter just made me so much angrier. All she had to do was apologize and say that they didn’t know how loud they had been. Instead, she denied that they were making any noise or that they had had a party. Not impressed! I had planned to write a letter detailing my complaints along with the sections of the lease that the people upstairs were violating. I do not have any faith in the building management company and have not gotten around to writing the letter hoping that the situation would resolve itself.
On Friday night, I had an out of body anger experience. It was Matt’s birthday and he had spent the day at the Beer Festival. We then met up for dinner with another couple (our good friend Simon and Clare) at Santa Maria del Sur, which we had seen on the F-Word with Gordon Ramsay. Matt and I got home relatively early for a Friday night and he was passed out by 10:30. I went to bad around 11:15. I had the windows open (as we do almost every night) because it’s stiflingly hot in our flat and we need the air.
The upstairs neighbors were having a party. It wasn’t so much the music that was the problem this time but rather the fact that they were yelling at each other at the top of their voices out the window. Since it wasn’t that late yet, I tried to go to sleep. I couldn’t sleep. Every time I almost did, I was woken back up by their super loud voices.
By about 12:15, I was so tired and so angry that I was ready to burst. I decided that I had had enough and got dressed and went upstairs. I banged on their door and once again the woman answered. I said to her ‘look, you are yelling out of your windows and being way too loud.’ She stared blankly at me and said ‘yes because the windows are open’. I said ‘we were trying to sleep and maybe they could just not yell out the windows?’ She didn’t say much but basically said come on like I was over reacting. At this point, I snapped. At yelled (actually yelled at her) you’re not the only people who live in this building and you need to more considerate of your neighbors!!!! I then stormed off and came back downstairs.
My heart was racing and my adrenaline was pumping. I couldn’t believe that I had actually confronted her like that. They then closed the window and continue their party. I was asleep for maybe an hour or so before Matt woke up from his beer induced coma with a really bad headache and required my medical attention. Another night with very little sleep.
I find it so hard to believe that people can be so inconsiderate! Fair enough, its your apartment and you can do what you want but that has to be within reason.
The above only describes our upstairs neighbors. The downstairs neighbors also have a baby and like to get into screaming matches with each other and slam doors. At least they don’t have their massive fights when we’re trying to sleep!
good for you.that's my girl!!!!!!!